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Stock Code: 5016488124225

Apex Essentials - File Organiser, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex Essentials - File Organiser, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software
Product Overview:
File organiser is the easy fast and expert way to organise and manage files, digital phones, MP3s and web images on your PC, with far more features and functions than any other file management software, file organiser gives you the tools to search, edit, delete, copy, move, zip, label, convert and many more.
• Find Email & attachments
• Colour Code File System
• Batch processes
• add Files Notes
• Windows 7 library Support
• Sync manager
• Size manager
• Dialog Helper
• Archeive manager
• File Finder

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Stock Code: 5016488109246

Apex Musicalis Interactive Bass Guitar Course, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex: -Musicalis Interactive Bass Guitar Course Retail Box No Warranty on Software
Product Overview

The Musicalis Interactive Bass Guitar Course with 14 chapters of practical and technical exercises, recording studio and digital tuner. Unique technology – The software uses a unique music teaching system which puts the student in charge of their own evolution. An “edutainment” method which helps you progress rapidly. Equivalent to a two year bass playing course.


First Steps -
Learn everything you need to know about your instrument before beginning your exercises.
Discover how to hold the guitar, find out what tablatures are and what a rhythm is.

Music Theory - ‘Interactive Bass course” can be practised without previous music theory knowledge.
However with 25 exercises, newly learnt theory will help your progression.
Learn at your own pace - Listen, train, record, slow down the tempo, focus on areas you need to work on (loop exercises) and ask for help

Playing for fun – Catchy melodies to play and listen to right from the beginning .
On screen help – the score and dynamic keyboard fingering are displayed simultaneously on-screen

Assistance – At any time you can ask for advice from the studio, about fingering, style or performing a particular piece.

Minimum Requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/XP/Win 7 
Pentium 300 or above
800 x 600 screen display
16 bit sound card

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Stock Code: 5031366150219

Apex Teaching you Stress Management Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex Teaching you Stress Management Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

Product Overview
Your indispensable guide to coping with and managing your stress levels -Stress is now considered to be a part of everyday life for many people – but surprisingly, a large majority of people are unaware that they are even suffering from stress, let alone how to manage it effectively. Post assessment tests your understanding of the material covered and provides you with a personal stress evaluation as well as tips for further study.
Stress is an internal response to a situation we may find hard to handle, and although we cannot change many of the external triggers of stress, we can change the effect that stressful situations have on us through effective stress management.
 Is your stress personality typical of a ‘Type A' or a ‘Type B' character? What is your personal response to stress? Do you Fight, or take Flight? How is your mental fitness IQ compared to others? Take an honest look at yourself and find the answers to these questions and much more in Teaching-you Stress Management Skills.
This indispensable course in stress management instructs you in how to understand, recognise, and cope with stress using a wide variety of techniques including audio-visual clips, mini-progress tests and personal assessments.
 Chart your progress and success with this program as you learn the best methods of coping with and managing stress in order to create a happier, more positive and more successful working environment!

• Pre-assessment and evaluation determines your personal stress levels
• Mini-progress tests check your understanding as your progress through the topics
• Audio video clips with key supporting bullet points – listen to the video then remind yourself of the key points
• Video examples – watch as you're shown the best way to cope with stressful situations
• Clearly categorised sections that are easy to follow
• Quick start allows you to begin the course from where you previously finished
• Follow your progress on the main menu – know what sections you have already covered
• Provides advice on additional resources available

• Minimum Requirements: Windows® 98 / Me / 2000 / XP
• Pentium® 133 or equivalent
• 80MB Hard Drive Space
• 32MB RAM
• 800x600x16bit colour
• CD-ROM Speed 4x or faster
• Any 100% Windows® compatible soundcard
• Category: Educational
• Publisher: Focus
• Stock Code- 5031366150219

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Stock Code: 5031366150264

Apex Start Writing your Novel with… New Novelist Versio, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex Start Writing your Novel with… New Novelist Versio, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

Alternate Description
Start Writing Your Novel With New Novelist Version 1

Product Overview
Have you always wanted to write a book, but never known where to start? Whether you want to write the next best seller or just want to make more productive use of your spare time, then NewNovelist is for you!

Start Writing!-
Start one novel today. Start a dozen. Develop one character or a thousand. The only limit is your imagination!

Hone Your Writing Skills
NewNovelist will guide you through the entire process of writing a novel, from the planning stage right through to completing your first draft. You will be given advice on the pace of your story; the degree of suspense to maintain, even the amount of time you might use for each element of your story.

Create a living, breathing world
NewNovelist encourages you to know your story before you begin writing. Create characters and the software will prompt you to develop them in as much detail as possible, meaning you can focus your creativity and energy on the storytelling. Flat, one dimensional characters are a thing of the past!
 Create locations so realistic that readers are transported into your world. The supplied questions help you build up background knowledge and encourage you to write more descriptively.

•Plan and create your complete story, characters and events.
•Collate all your ideas, and develop your novel methodically.
•Tutorial you'll never be left with a blank screen.
•Global Notes keep all your notes in one easily accessible place.
•Resource Centre the best writers' resources on the Web.
•Features extracts from Wannabe a Writer? A book by Writing Magazine's Jane Wenham-Jones.

System Requirements
•PC Operating System: Windows® Me / 2000 / XP / Vista
•PC CPU Type and Speed: 450MHz Pentium® II or equivalent
•Hard Drive Space (MB): 20MB
•Memory: 64MB
•Graphics: Any 800x600x16bit colour graphics card
•Audio: Any 100% DirectX compatible sound card
•Printer: Required to print your story
•Internet: Required for use with the Resource Centre

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Stock Code: 5031366016225

Apex Teaching you Clarinet Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex Teaching you Clarinet Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

Product Overview

Teaching-you Clarinet Skills is the ultimate beginners CD-ROM for anyone who wants to learn to play the clarinet. Starting from the basics of assembling your clarinet through to and including all the knowledge required for Grade I, this program will teach you all you need to know in a clear and friendly way.
As you progressively learn the key fingering positions and how to read music, you can play along to backing tracks or have a go at performing a solo.

Teaching-you Clarinet Skills contains 100 inspiring and easy-to-follow lessons, with supporting video clips and MIDI file accompaniments to play along to.


-Learn key techniques
Presented in a clearly laid out interface, everything you need for one lesson is accessible off the main screen. Read about basic clarinet techniques before watching a tutorial video, or print each lesson as a PDF to take away with you. You can also print out scores and sight-reading exercises to help develop your music theory and reading skills.

-Practise your skills

Practise your newly-learnt skills with real audio accompaniments. Speed up, slow down or mute others instruments or select certain bars to loop, allowing you to practise tricky areas. Other features include a metronome facility for all MIDI tracks and a recording facility so that you can record yourself playing and review your progress – you can even write your tunes to a CD*.

• 100 lessons in ten chapters each with a printable score and PDF.
• 100 supporting tutorial videos so you can see exactly how to play.
• Starts from beginners level through to and including Royal College of Music Grade I.
• MIDI backing tracks with variable speed.
• Real audio accompaniments with volume and pan controls.
• Looped practice allows you to focus on any tricky areas.
• Fingering chart facility for all notes covered in the program.
• Recording facility records your performance so you can review your progress.
• Teaches you how to read and compose music as well as covering elementary improvisation.

Minimum Requirements:
• PC Operating System: Windows® 98 / Me / 2000 / XP / x64
• PC CPU Type and Speed: Pentium® III 600 or equivalent
• Hard Drive Space (MB): 500MB
• Memory: 128MB
• Graphics: 1024x768x16 bit colour
• CD/DVD-ROM Speed: 8x or faster*
• Audio: Any 100% system compatible soundcard
• Printer: Optional (Recommended)
• Extra Info: *A CD writer and all necessary CD writing software must be present on your system to burn CDs. A microphone is optional
• Category: Educational
• Publisher: Focus
• Stock Code-5031366016225

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Stock Code: 5031366015792

Apex Teaching-you Feng-Shui Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

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Apex Teaching-you Feng-Shui Skills, Retail Box , No Warranty on Software

Fill your home with health, wealth and happiness

Product Overview
Teaching-you Feng Shui Skills has been designed both as an introduction to Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology and as a powerful Feng Shui interpretation tool. For the first time user, this program will give an insight into the world of Feng Shui, yet it also contains enough information and detail to keep even the most dedicated Feng Shui practitioner or consultant interested.

Feng Shui represents a vast body of knowledge originating from the Ancient Chinese art of analysing and influencing the interaction between people, buildings and the environment, in order to enhance quality of life. People who practice Feng Shui have been known to experience new or improved relationships, job offers and career progression, as well as better health, wealth and vitality. It can be applied to any building whether home or office.

Enjoy learning how to apply the principles of Feng Shui to achieve harmony in your own home whilst adding richness, comfort and balance to release the flow of good Ch'i – the most beneficial force of Feng Shui. Fun and immersing, this program will enable you to assess every aspect of life. Discover how to use objects, colour, and the elements to promote feelings of well-being and harmony.

Understanding Feng Shui Covers:
Feng Shui Compass School Pa Kua, Black Hat Sect Ba Gua, Lo Pan Compass, I Ching Divination, Mah Jong Divination, Monthly Almanac, Chinese Horoscopes, 9 Star Ki Horoscopes, Four Pillars plus many extra hidden features.

• Find the lucky areas within your home
• Advice on the best Feng Shui enhancements
• Daily guidance on all aspects of your life
• Discover how compatible you and your partner really are
• Comprehensive tips and information for you to follow
• Provides personal Feng Shui readings for you, your partner, family and friends.

Minimum Requirements:
• Windows® 98 / Me / 2000 / XP
• 486 or equivalent
• 12MB Hard Drive Space
• 16MB RAM
• CD-ROM Speed 4x or faster
• Soundcard not required
• Printer optional
• Category: Educational
• Publisher: Focus
• Stock Code-5031366015792

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